Sunday, May 5, 2013

G is for GREAT Aunts!

The girls have been begging to ride a train.  So, their Great Aunt and I surprised them with an Amtrak ride to visit their Great Great Aunt! 


Waiting for the train! 

We all had a fun time on the train!  

It's only a 90 minute car trip, but it was so much cooler riding the train, which took us about 3.5 hours!

We had a great time at the park with Great Aunt Nora and Great Great Aunt Harriet.



Four Generations!  

Great Aunt Harriet, 84 years old has never looked so good!  

I'm so happy that my girls were able to spend some time with their super duper GREAT aunts! 

 Waiting for the train to head back home after a memorable visit!

Ride over to Ben and Me to see other Letter G activities, crafts, fieldtrips, etc!

Blogging Through the Alphabet

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